
The ATPC is actively working with national and local media around promoting our industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is the latest example from the Atlanta Business Chronicle:

Former HHS Secretary Tom Price Addresses Group About Role of Government Relations

Former HHS Secretary Tom Price Addresses Group About Role of Government Relations

The American Transaction Processors Coalition (ATPC) held its second course in the new Future Leaders “young professionals” program about “government relations 101” today. The ATPC protects, promotes and preserves the payments processing industry through proactive government relations and public relations; so this class was a core offering for participants to begin engaging in industry advocacy.

The remote meeting included Jay Morgan, ATPC state lobbyist and founder of JL Morgan Company, presenting on state government relations. Tom Worrall, ATPC federal government relations lead and founding partner of Whitmer & Worrall provided an introduction to federal government relations. The three-hour session was capped off by a keynote address from former U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tom Price.

Doctor Price shared his biographical arc and path from surgeon to Georgia General Assembly representative, member of Congress and HHS Secretary in the Trump Administration. His remarks highlighted the importance of engaging in the legislative and regulatory process. And Dr. Price encouraged young professionals to consider running for office to make their voice heard. He also advised the group to remain informed about current events, and to play a leadership role in various phases of life.

Future Leaders participants are located across the country and represent ATPC member companies ACI Worldwide, FIS Global, NCR and Paysafe.

“We were so fortunate to introduce these young professionals to (former) Secretary Price today, he not only is a founding father of our organization but has served at multiple levels of government and provided insights into how and why being engaged matters,” said ATPC Executive Director H. West Richards. “We are excited to include Future Leader participants in our upcoming virtual 2020 Capitol Hill fly-in and ongoing government relations activities.”

The ATPC launched the Payments Processing industry’s first young professionals program to expand industry knowledge, create onramps to government and regulatory engagement, and develop individual leadership skills. Future Leaders identifies and educates rising professionals primed to lead the Payments Processing industry across technological, institutional, business development and workforce portfolios. This year-long program is comprised of multiple networking and educational activities to enhance future success of ATPC member and sponsor company young professionals. The inaugural class schedule included an initial “Leadership 101” program in February and concludes with “Technical Expertise” and graduation on Wednesday, August 12th.